
"Why are they together?" "..."

We were talking about a super nice and very cool Doc who is together with a Nurse who seems to be grumpy all the time.
Someone said: "Why are they together? I seriously don't get it.."
My colleague grinned and said:
"The golf ball and the garden hose.."
I started laughing instantly even though I had no idea what he meant.
Later he explained to me, that this was a quote from a film in which a woman can suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Haha.

The ward round was over.
A patient smiled and said to the Doctor: "Get well soon!"
He looked surprised and said: "Yes, thank you."

One of my favourite patients (yes, I have some)
talked in the ward round about voices he hears in his pituitary gland and that in 1985 he wrote a letter which only consisted of one sentence: "Dear god, your R. does not have any feelings left."
He also stated the idea that catholics could be confused with communists.
Later he said:
"If you dream.." and stopped. I thought this sounded very philosophical.

One day I wore a white tunic which is pretty long over my jeans.
A drunk patient said to me:
"Put your shirt into your pants!" (like old people do often..)
and I thought:
"Dude... At least I wear pants!"
He was naked.

Today we got the timetables for our exams next week
and my dear fellow Nursey I. and I have our  exam on 12:30.
Tiny: "That's a good time actually."
I.: "Yeah, so I have enough time from 8:00 till 12:30 to shit bricks."
Tiny: XD

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