
Lost Things

Very Alice in Wonderland, very beautiful, very nice aesthetics.
Plus: The girl in the video is super hot o.O" Holy.. Even though I'm not overly into red hair, she looks amazing. The styling, the hair-do, the makeup. Jeez.. I'm jealous.

Plus, a nice little weekly prescription for your weekend, there you go:

Sleepers - I'm a little bit surprised that I'm not featured since I am able to sleep everywhere. My friend Fabulous F. said when I slept at Dublin Airport: "Jeez, Tiny, I thought you were dead. Seriously, you looked like a corpse."
So if there ever will be a photo exhibition called: "People who look like Zombies when they're asleep but actually aren't dead." COUNT ME IN!

Psychoplates! Awesome. I will never get tired of anything Rorschach related. It's just too cool.
"What do you see when you look at this plate?" "I see the Rorschach pattern which means my plate is empty which means I feel anger and greed rising up. Give me yours!"

Flower Pump. Awwwwww.... I like the styling with the orchids. But the roses are even more romantic.

Admit it, you watched too much "Buffy- the Vampire Slayer"! Oh you don't watch TV.. Then I don't know.. Teenage Demon Hunters Uhm.. Weird?

Underwater holding hands

4 Kommentare:

  1. What are you linking?

    "Flower Pump is inspired by the muscle of love,
    ...every artery leads straight to the heart ...."


  2. Hey, I did not make that up! In fact, I hardly ever read it. The price (280$ or something) made my sight too blurry o.O"

  3. Well, it's slightly overpriced. But beside the description I do absolutely agree with you: gorgeous. How do you keep finding these little gems?
