
Doing the right things

It's been a while since I had time to write.
I mean sitting down, thinking about everything that comes to my mind and then writing something I hate and which is total crap, throwing everything away, starting to think again, maybe writing something new..
You get the idea.
So yeah it's been a while.
The last few days I had much time to think.
And I thought a lot, I guess.

Today I talked to the wife of a former patient on the phone.
She called me Nurse Tiny instead of Trainee Tiny (yeah, I like it and I got used to it since almost everybody calls me so) but I tried to correct her.
She answered: "I will call you Nurse Tiny to congratulate you for your exam, it's so great what you are doing."
(Little fun fact: I've never ever seen her or talked to her before.)
At the moment I'm not the nurse I wanted to be when I started working in hospital.
Definitely not.
Not even a little bit to be honest.
I get mad in a second.
Old people annoy me (nearly all of  them).
My back hurts like a bitch because there is no one who helps me to lift this 120kg monster up.

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