
"Excuse me, I'm not old!"

Okay I'm done.

Work and all the other stuff mixed together is not a healthy combination.

We have this female patient right now who seems to be straight from hell. 
Sent  to us from a home for the elderly because of lack of appetite.
She screamed from the way of the walk-in clinic until we arrived in her room.
"I'M A 90 year old woman! You cannot do that to me! I'm NOT crazy!"
At first I really talked to her until I was blue in the face but then I just shut up.
It was pointless.
This morning I had to wash her.
So I prepared my stuff, checked if the water was warm enough, told her everything I was going to do so she wouldn't be scared or stuff until she yelled at me: "SHUT UP AND MOVE ON FINALLY!"
Tiny: -.-"
 By the way: Lack of appetite was not her problem. Her problem was:
"Where is the cold cut?"
"We don't have any. Would you like some cheese?"
"No I want cold cut!"
So in the end she was eating some weird jelly "Jagdwurst" (Disgusting to the max but anyway) without bread or anything else.
Patient: "You can devour this on your own. It's disgusting."
"No thank you. Eat it yourself or leave it on the plate already!"
"You are an old whore."
Tiny *reallyreallyreallypissed* "Excuse me, I'm not old!!"

Since she called our doctor an stupid asshole I am looking forward of never seeing her again when I will return to work on monday.

Thank God it's Friday (almost)!

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