


I had a weird dream a couple of nights before, it was night and I was walking around my hometown, no cars or people in the streets, it was absolutely silent and somehow my hair was waving even though there was no wind whatsoever, when I walked past the light cone of a street lamp it looked like there was snow falling down despite the fact that it is summer, but when I looked closer, I saw that it wasn't snow but some kind of petals or something like that.
 I heard music near me or, to be precisely, it was like I felt it inside, it sounded a bit like this: 

I walked pass a lot of houses and stopped at the houses of people I care for.
 My family, my friends and so on. I placed my hand flat on the door for a second and when I removed it I could see my handprint silver and shimmery before it disappeared but I knew, that nothing bad would happen to them because the handprint would fight back all evil. 
Just a dream, as I said. But I liked it. 

This reminds me of Inception

Ice cream for breakfast? Yes please!

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