
Just do it.

On Friday evening (it was the 9th. I think)  I had a girls night with F. and K., we made Pasta, ate fruit salad, watched "Death at a funeral" (so funny!) and talked a lot.

F.'s vitality and her cute, hyper character are always inspiring me. She said: "Well.. Why should we wait for anything? Let's just do it!"
So we were leaving for a short trip to the beach on Saturday morning.
Here are some impressions:

All pics are taken by Tiny (2010)

I love this special moment when you see the ocean for the first time after a quite long time.
The water was really freaking cold but pretty refreshing.
So I guess on Friday F. will give me some of the pics we made together (will be posted later :))

Pics taken by me, F. and her little sis G.

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