
People whose brain turn into sludge love me!

I don't know why but it's true.
People suffering from dementia want to be my friend.
Even though I would like to have our friendship on a more platonic level. (E.g no kissing, no caressing, no holding me so close I can't breath or get the feeling of being crushed to death)
Yesterday I started working again after an almost vacation like weekend.
I had to take an old lady suffering from dementia to the Gyn.
Note: I've never seen her before or even talked to her.
Lady: "Are you taking me there and will you wait for me? Cause there are things going on and a woman has to be careful these days.."
Me: "Yes, of course I will take you there and I will wait for you and I will take you back to your room afterwards."
Lady: "Good. I trust you, you little lovely human being."

Later: (I took her back to her room, brought her a cup of coffee)
Lady: "Oh yes, thank you... By the way, can we go together to drink a cup of coffee in the city sometime, when I am out of here?"

Later, around dinner time:
Another lady is sitting in her room, eating dinner, I accompany her because otherwise she would forget to continue eating.
Lady: "Wow.. This picture on the wall is so beautiful.. I like it so much."
Tiny: "It's supposed to be Monet, I guess."
Lady: "Is it an original one?"
Tiny *laughing* "I don't think so.."
30 seconds pass.
Lady: "Whoa.. I haven't seen this picture yet. It's gorgeous.. Do you like it too?"
Tiny: "Yes it's nice."
Lady: "Most people don't notice art these days, right?" 

Oh by the way: I wanted to post some pictures a while ago but somehow always forgot to do it..

I  had the best time working at the ward for endoscopy. My colleagues were beyond funny. The doctors were cool and everything was pretty laid back and relaxed.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Endoscopy is so much better when everybody is relaxed xD (Yeah, lame pun, sorry)
