
A new day was dawning..

I don't know if you guys ever felt so unbelieveably relieved when you left your work, the sun was rising and all you could think of was leaving.

The night from Thursday to Friday was officially the worst in my whole life.

We started working at 8:30pm, the late shift told us that one old female died at 7:25pm.
So there is this rule that people who have died, have to stay at the ward for two hours afterwards
(I'm not sure why, maybe because the nurses are afraid they could wake up somehow?).
Anyway at 9:00pm we started our tour to see every patient, to see if everything is alright.
The ward I am working at right now, is right in front of the Intensive Care Station.
One of the docs and two people came out, the nurse I was working with said: "Oh dear, something happened.."
And she was right, the woman was crying so much, she really broke down. The man tried to hold her but looked shocked and unable to realise what was going on.
The doctor continued talking to them calm and carefully.
The mother of the woman died after an actually easy surgery all of a sudden.

So when P. and I continued our tour we entered the room of an old female patient who sufferes from dementia.
She was pretty confused and asked what was wrong with her roommate.

The late shift left her all alone with the dead woman.
I am serious.
They left this confused woman in a room with a closed door, closed windows (you can't imagine the smell in this room, I swear, my stomache turned upside down immediately) and a deaed woman whose back was covered in feces, who had yellow slime dripping out of her mouth and all they did was throwing an blanket over her head.

P. and I were shocked. We grabbed the bed with the dead lady and put it in an empty room.
Just imagine what would have happened if relatives would have visited the other lady?
Why did the late shift leave her in there?

We went on, pretty shocked.
One male patient who obviously was suffering from dementia too, grabbed into his pants and smeared his shit all over his legs, into the bed, grabbed tissues and placed them on the nightshelf...
Dear God..
We were busy cleaning him, the bed and everything for almost an hour and then I told him:
"Call us, if you need to go to the toilet. Please, please call us. Don't try to do anything on your own."

At 00:00 the main night watch came and said: "I need you to take the corpse to the charnel house with me."
I was insecure: "I've never been there before.."
"But I can't take her there alone."
So I grabbed gloves and moved the dead lady from the bed to the stretcher with P.
The smell, the postmortem lividity, the cold skin.. I started shaking and could hardly control myself.
We brought her down to the charnel house and I was shocked:
The charnel house of our hospital (which I've never seen before) looks like the grubby dump of a slaughterhouse.
It's the most horrible place I've ever seen.

When I was back at the ward F. came to me (she had night shift too) and said: "Tiny, why didn't you tell me that you've never been there before, I would have gone there for you!"
She's so cute and caring.

At the very end of our shift the above mentioned male patient covered everything  in feces again.
P. and I cleaned him, threw away the bed sheets, seriously you couldn't save them and both had tears in our eyes because we were so dead beat and exhausted.

I left the hospital at 5:45 and I swear, never before I felt the wish to never ever return there.

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