
Three strokes don't make me like you more, you know?

Okay, I see, the patient had three strokes and is now a little bit weird in his whole behaviour (keeping not much of a distance e.g) so even his own wife says:
"Well.. Who would take him away from me, now? Nobody would want him anymore."

But I asked myself how much of his acting has been there secretly before he the strokes..

Tiny: "Oh, one of the paddles of the ECG does not stick to your skin anymore. Can you lift your shirt please, so I can replace it."

Patient: "Yeah sure, I like it if you touch my breast."

Tiny: O.o "Excuse me?"

Patient: "So, may I touch yours, too?"

Tiny: O.O" "NO."

Patient: "Why not? I would like to touch a young breast.."

Sometimes.. I wish it would be allowed to slap people beeing so rude. It would not make things easier, but I would feel much better.

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