
The end is the beginning is..

I think it's pretty strange to start a blog with a text about a funeral.

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Photo by Tiny - 2009

Shouldn't there be a law which prohibits unloving funeral orations?

Law No. 1 in Nurseyland:

"If you deliver a speech, know at least the person's name you are talking about by heart."

I am really not a religious person but I like going into churches since there is a certain atmosphere..
Highly decorated and sumptuous churches are my favourite because I really appreciate the great effort people make just for their religious beliefs.

It's so fascinating and somehow comforting that it is possible to achieve such strength and calmness through religious beliefs. I envy them.

I like these epic hymns.
Sometimes I wish I could sing so pure and seemingly effortless.

The moment I cried the most was when we stood in the little chapel in front of the coffin to say goodbye.
I felt like I did not bid farewell: The last time when we saw each other I was joking with him that after the open-heart surgery he would recover soon and we would have a race at his hospital ward.

I feel guilty because I visited him so seldom.
I feel guilty because I should have hugged him more often.
I feel guilty because I was annoyed when he told me old stories for the third or fourth time.

He died all alone and far away from home, without his family or anyone he knew.

I have no chance to make up for all this.

So, everyone who reads this should call a beloved person to tell them that they mean much to you.

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