

Hey folks.
Not feeling very creative today, so here are just a few pics I really liked this week:


Heart - breakfast

Weightless ( I reeeally like this one)

Playing footsie

Little Alex

A very "Midsummer Night's Dream" inspired wedding. Cheesy up to the limit but cute.

I would definetely wear these and these!

Beautiful Chocolate Packaging Designs (I seriously want them all!)

So yeah. Have a beautiful weeking all you lil rascalettes in teeny weeny sandalettes and flirty skirties. Or something like that :D


This couple on my way home yesterday officially made my week.
The guy seemed to leave and kissed his girlfriend goodbye when she put her arms around him, pretending she would'nt let him go.
Then he swirled her in that Hollywoodlike manner down and gave her a short passionate kiss and put her back up to her feet again.
When they noticed me passing by, they bot turned red and smiled.
Had to smile back.
Effing cute!

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