
Links, links, links..

Actually I opened this page and thought:
Whoa.. how nice and stylish and awesome this looks. Very classy, they seem so happy..
But then I scrolled my way down the page and when I saw the pics of him and her walking down the street together my jaw dropped down to my feet.
Holy cracker! Will someone please cook her a nutrional meal?

This is a pretty cool idea: Then and now
People took old childhood photographs and tried to recreate them.
Notice: Some of them looked happier as a child, some of them look happier today.
Life is not always kind, right?

Since 3-D is totally in now, I found a fashion photoshoot which is supposed to be in 3-D.
I don't get it though.
Tried it with 3-D glasses and without.
Not a big difference or is it just me?
PS: There was a site online called: Three DD
I guess you know what was exposed there.. But don't click on it. It's offline, I swear!^^
(Three DD)

The ultimate tree house. I would live in there.

A photo taken there would be a perfect facebook, myspace or whatever profile pic!
I would be scared to death but it would be amazing..
Colon diseases and skin infections on the other hand don't sound too promising.
(Mentioned in the comments!)

This sums up my feeling about sundays in general!

2 Kommentare:

  1. 1) Indeed, the bride looks like she could wear the wedding ring as a bracelet :P Nice dresses tho (my guess is you'd kill for the shoes? ;)

    2) The 'Then and Now' pics are adorable! I think I might give that a try sometime as well..

    3) I think you forgot to include the link to the 3D fashion shoot.. but I guess the reason why you won't see anything is because of your monitor; try printing some stuff and have another go.

    4) Dang, that tree house is amazing. Love the alcove-like bedroom!

    5) Gee, that looks really dangerous, especially for kids! D: but if they really have that good a security as explained in the comments that should be okay. I'd really take a dive there, screw the diseases. Livin' on the edge, man! (Literally.)

    6) Yes please.

  2. Oops. Fixed that 3-D link thingie :)

    Thx for the comment!
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