
Patients from hell

A male patients tries to beat me.
I warn him pretty loud & angry: "SIR! Don't beat me!!"
Patient stops and tries to caress my arm: "Well.. Are you married?"
Tiny: "No. However I don't want to be beaten."


Female Patient gives the alarm, sitting on the W.C.
"Well, I would like to be put back to bed."
T: "Alright, I'll take you to the washbasin first."
Patient: "Naw, that's not necessary."
T: "Oh, yeah believe me it is.."

Jeez.. do they skip washing their hands after using the toilet at home too??

This morning, I enter the room of a male patient.
His bed sheet is wet, the floor is wet, the whole floor in the toilet is wet.
It's a big puddle of urine.
Patient bawls me out: "The whole bed is wet! What is this here? I don't know where this came from, all of you do with me what you want, I can't do this anymore!!"
I cleaned the floor, I put clean bedding on, I took him into the bathroom with his wheelchair.
I helped him to clean himself.
He bawls me out since I want to change his pyjama (which is wet and smells disgusting).
"I don't have any more clean pyjamas!! I am not made of fucking money!"


I leave the toilet.
He is still grumbling.
I clench my fist.
I go back in and finish my work.

I enter another room.
Disgusting smelling, dirty, shabby patient (who refuses to shower) shouts: "COFFEE!!"
Tiny shouts back: "How are you talking to me?!
They say: Can I please have another cup of coffee!!"
Patient: "Yeah, alright: please! ... All of you nurses are in such a bad mood.."
Tiny: "Guess what.."

Except the story of the female patient all of these stories happened today..
Sometimes I really hope it's another episode of: "You gotta be shitting me"

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