
Thank you so much, it's Friday!

So hey everyone!

It's finally friday, I will have the weekend off (Yeeeess, please!)

But first things first:

I liked this:

One of the specialist nurses for anaesthesia said to a patient who entered the preparation room:
"Welcome to the anteroom of beautiful dreams."

Today when we prepared the operating room, the radio was switched on and it was time for the news:
News anchorman: "It's eight o'clock."
Nurse: "Oh, okay."
New anchorman: "Good morning."
Nurse: "Morning."
Tiny: o.O" Uhm..

Also funny:
One of the male specialist nurses for anaesthesia told me this:
He asked a female patient one time:
"Where would you like to go in your dreams? We offer the Caribbean, Jamaica, the Maledives.."
She replied: "Bora-Bora would be fine."
He: "Alright, who shall escort you? We offer Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, George Clooney.."
She looked him over from head to toe and said with a sparkle in her eyes:
"Can't I just have you?"

Not so funny:

The female doc who did the haemorrhoids-op told me to "hang the skrotum of the patient higher".
Tiny: "Is it okay like this?"
She: "No, grab in his OP undies and put his balls up - as usual.."
Tiny *frowns*: "Oh, I am sorry. I don't do that too often!!" >.<"

1 Kommentar:

  1. Yay for weekends!

    Cute patient - on the other hand, if a male patient said that to a nurse, it would be inappropriate or cheap. Right?

    Also: ...what the hell did you do to his balls?
